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Crash Cart Safer 4000

A cart stocked with emergency medical equipment, supplies and drugs for use of medical personal especially during efforts to resuscitate a patient experiencing cardiac arrest.


  1. Completely stainless steel 304 L material
  2. 5 No. of stainless steel 304 grade drawers moving on feather like telescopic channels.
  3. 3 No. of Shelves for keeping monitors, Dressing Drum etc.
  4. Oxygen Cylinder Stand
  5. IV Stand with height adjustment.
  6. 6 No. of Hippo Bins for keeping ampoules, vials etc of different colours.
  7. Push and Pull Handles

Technical Specifications

Overall Size : 960 L x 500 W x 1545 H mm (approx.)
125 mm ABS Moulded Castors with Diagonal Locks
1 – 11 Pole

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